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Daily Dose | April • June 2 0 1 7


April  June  |  2 0 1 7

28 June 2017

Dingen’s Napolean Cocktail Bitters from Buffalo, New York. Figural banjo. Pretty darn cool. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos taken by Alan DeMaison when we both worked in Houston recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks. Read: Dingen’s Napolean Cocktail Bitters in a Lilac Amethystine

27 June 2017

Drool. National Bitters C.C. Jerome & Co. Detroit, A.C.-S.W. 1865 in rich amethyst from the Sandor P. Fuss collection. Unique, in spectacular condition and a coffin shape form. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both were in Denver recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks.

26 June 2017

Considered a Western bitters, a super cool and minty Lacour’s Sarsapariphere Bitters figural lighthouse. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos taken by Alan DeMaison when we both worked in Houston recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks. Read More: Lacour’s Bitters – “Heartbreakers” & “Tearjerkers”

25 June 2017

A nice McKeever’s Army Bitters with stacked cannon balls and drum in a nice amber coloration. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos taken by Alan DeMaison when we both worked in Houston recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks. Read: Cannon’s and McKeever’s Bitters – The Royal American Couple

Galvanic Bitters – The Weekly Mississippian, Friday, October 10, 1851

Reference to an unlisted Galvanic Bitters in The Weekly Mississippian, Friday, October 10, 1851. Reference to electrical current I suppose. Can not find much more information. This was a Jackson, Mississippi paper. C.A. Moore represented the bitters.

C.A. Moore & Co. – The Weekly Mississippian, Friday, August 12, 1853

24 June 2017

Barto’s Great Gun Bitters, Reading, PA. in a beautiful shaded apricot coloration from the Sandor P. Fuss collection. In spectacular condition and a unique form and color for this bitters bottle. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both were in Denver recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks.

Read: Tobias Barto and his Great Gun Bitters – Reading, PA

23 June 2017

The incredible Old Homestead Wild Cherry Bitters in cobalt blue from the Sandor P. Fuss collection. Only example known in this color. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both were in Denver recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks.

Read: Log Cabin Series – Old Homestead Wild Cherry Bitters

22 June 2017

A deliciously wicked Wheeler’s Berlin Bitters Baltimore in yellow olive. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos taken by Alan DeMaison when we both worked in Houston recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks. Read More: Wheeler’s Berlin Bitters – Baltimore

21 June 2017

A remarkable Plow’s Sherry Bitters (figural grapes) in some super amber color variation. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos taken by Alan DeMaison when we both worked in Houston recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks.

20 June 2017

Evidence of an unlisted Tonic Wine Bitters by O. O. Woodman in Vicksburg, Mississippi from 1844. I always thought there might be this bitters out there. Never seen the bottle though. Could have been labeled. See updated post. Oliver O. Woodman’s Sarsaparilla – Vicksburg, Mississippi

The really cool Ta Tsing Bitters (aka The Chinaman) from Clarksburg, West Virginia. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both worked in Houston recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks. Read more about the The Great Chinese Remedy.

Read: Ta Tsing Bitters – The Great Chinese Remedy

19 June 2017


New photos of the Hutchinson’s Tonic Bitters.

#85 is just the colored ones with strong backlight. From left to right, yellow amber from recent AGG auction #18, amber, olive amber from AGG auction #13, pure olive green. #119 is the whole bunch.

Same colored ones flanked by a smooth base aqua on the left and an iron pontiled aqua one on the right.

Note different tops

Here is the story to go along with the yellow amber one. I have a bottle book from 1971 titled “1250 Bitters Bottles” by Ed Bartholomew. I am 99% certain that the yellow amber Tonic Bitters is the one pictured on page 182 as part of the author’s collection. It was a dug bottle, and in a black and white photo, but the top is unmistakable, since the “colored” ones almost always have a long tapered collar with no ring underneath. The only other colored example with a non-standard top has one of the bottom corners of the bottle missing. Also, the photo in the book shows a ring of glass under the lip that has a distinct up and down pattern to it visible on the “J.W. Hutchinson” panel. This is how I know this is the same bottle from the 1971 book.

I found and called Ed Bartholomew about 15 years ago. He was an elderly man, and he no longer remembered much or seemed to care what happened to his bottles. He had no idea where or when he sold the Hutchinson Tonic Bitters. That was the end of the search until I saw the auction photo. I immediately dug out the old book to verify my hunch.

Just another of one of those that I “had” to have.

Rod Vining

Read: J. W. Hutchinson’s Tonic Bitters – Mobile, Alabama

18 June 2017

Ferdinand, Coleman’s Antidyspeptic and Tonic Bitters in emerald green, olive green-black glass, and aqua. Emerald ones are iron and open pontiled, aqua is iron pontiled, black is smooth, probably had the pontil fire polished off. Thanks, Rod Vining

Read: Dr. A. W. Coleman’s Anti-Dyspeptic and Tonic Bitters

17 June 2017

Ferd here is a Bitters I have been seeking for 45 years. It finally has come home to this old Buckeye. Sheldon Baugh thinks there may only be two known. I would love to hear from others if they have one. As you can see this one is pristine condition. STAR ANCHOR BITTERS – PORTSMOUTH OHIO – W. L. B. JACK. Hope you can put it on face book. Best Regards, Gary Beatty

Read: Cap’n Jacks’ Star Anchor Bitters – Portsmouth, Ohio

16 June 2017


Travellers (sic) Bitters. Considered to be embossed with Robert E. Lee. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both worked in Houston recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks. Read: Travellers Bitters Travels from Baltimore to Carmel

14 June 2017

An extremely rare, and possibly unique in color Woodgate’s Plantation Bitters from the Sandor P. Fuss collection. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both were in Denver recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks. Read: The Mystery surrounding the Woodgate’s Plantation Bitters

Looks to be another unlisted bitters called Mississippi Valley Bitters. Will research this later today I hope. Put out by a guy named Hardaway in Mississippi. Read New Post.

13 June 2017

Looks to be an advertisement for an unlisted bitters. Marcus German Root Bitters, The McHenry Plaindealer, Wed,Nov. 30, 1881. Not the same as Dr. Marcus’ Universal Bitters from Philadelphia.

12 June 2017

Harvey’s Prairie Bitters from Chicago. Bottle once thought tone from Indiana. Shades beautifully from deep old amber color base, shoulder and neck areas to a considerably lighter center and even lighter corners. Very crude with a number of seed bubbles and a pronounced body twist. Ex: Judge Blaske and Dr. Burton Spiller Collections. Pictured in ‘The Encyclopediaof collectibles’ page 141. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both worked in Houston recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks. Read more about the Harvey’s product. Not Brown – Old Amber “Harvey’s Prairie Bitters”

11 June 2017

A lady’s leg figural Bryant’s Stomach Bitters. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both worked in Houston recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks. Read more about the Bryant’s product.

10 June 2017

With only two known examples, Carey’s Grecian Bend Bitters from the Sandor P. Fuss collection. Basically the same mold as the Rohrer’s Expectoral Wild Cherry Tonic bitters. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both were in Denver recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks. Read: The Grecian Bend and Carey’s Grecian Bend Bitters

09 June 2017

With embossed cannons, cannon balls, crossed swords and a fort & flag, one of my favorite bitters, C 33 “CANNON’S DYSPEPTIC BITTERS”, Circa 1853 – 1880, Cannon’s Non-Alcoholic Bitters, The Great Dyspepsia Remedy, W. M. Cannon & Co., 925 LA. Ave. N.W. Washington D.C. Prepared only by the W. M. Cannon, Proprietary Medicine Company. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both worked in Houston recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks.

08 June 2017

One of the greenest Brown’s Celebrated Indian Herb Bitters out there (aka figural Indian Queen). Mouth roughness done during manufacture. Partial rolled lip. ex-Judge MacKenzie and Doy McCall bottle. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both worked in Houston recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks. Read More: Looking closer at the Brown’s Celebrated Indian Herb Bitters

07 June 2017

The incredible Old Homestead Wild Cherry Bitters in emerald green with threaded stopper from the Sandor P. Fuss collection. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both were in Denver recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks. Read: Log Cabin Series – Old Homestead Wild Cherry Bitters

06 June 2017

Left: Comparing the Dale Mlasko whittled and mint red amber Barnett & Lions (labeled Gray Jacket Bitters – New Orleans) (from a collection boxed up and unknown for decades) and an Old Continental Whiskey in light yellow amber on the right. Both have embossed military figures. Read: Old Continental Whiskey – One Spectacular Bottle

05 June 2017

Oh my, pizza pie. Look at this Killer color run of Sarracenia Life Bitters from Mobile, Alabama. From the Rod Vining collection. More: Sarracenia Life Bitters and the Triskelions

04 June 2017

One of my favorite bitters. Bakers Orange Grove Bitters from Boston, Massachusetts in an odd apricot color. Lots of character. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both worked in Houston recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks. Read: Roped Squares – Baker’s Orange Grove Bitters

01 June 2017

Dr. Bell’s Golden Tonic Bitters in great condition and a unique form for a bitters bottle. Ex Greer and Ham. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both worked in Houston recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks.

31 May 2017

Let’s close out the month with the spectacular Capital Bitters. Embossed “Capital Bitters Company, Washington, D.C.” in a dark amber from the Sandor P. Fuss collection. In super condition and a unique form for a bitters bottle. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both were in Denver recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks.

30 May 2017

Extraordinary Chickahominy Bitters in a dark puce from the Sandor P. Fuss collection. One of two examples that I am aware of, this being in spectacular condition. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both were in Denver a few weeks ago doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks.

29 May 2017

The popular and somewhat humorous figural Big Bill Best Bitters. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when he recently visited Houston doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery will open first. Read: Big Bill Best Bitters

28 May 2017

60 years ago today. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun! Super nice and pretty darn rare St. Nicholas Stomach Bitters – Gentry & Otis – New, York from my collection. They come in two sizes. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when he visited Houston three or so weeks ago doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery will be first. Read: St. Nicholas Stomach Bitters – Gentry & Otis – New, York

27 May 2017

Super nice and extremely rare Andrus & Palmer Sole Proprietors & Manufactures – Palmer’s Tonic Bitters in emerald green from the Sandor P. Fuss collection. One of three examples that I am aware of, this being in spectacular condition. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both were in Denver a few weeks ago doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project.

26 May 2017

An extremely rare color of an American Life Bitters in yellow amber. Peter E. Iler manufacturer from Tiffin, Ohio. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both were in Denver a few weeks ago doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. Example from the Sandor P. Fuss collection. Read: Log Cabin Series – American Life Bitters

25 May 2017

Good morning, Ferd, The attached trade card is my latest acquisition. I see that you have written a very entertaining post on these unlisted bitters. Perhaps you would like to add this image to it? The name La Ree has special meaning to me. It is my wife Edith’s middle name. She is indeed “A beautiful woman that is loved by all”

Have a great day………….Joe (Gourd)

Read: Goodwin’s Laree Bitters – Baltimore

Zee famous blue fish bitters. Working on some image shadow clean-up. Thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison when he was in Denver a few weeks ago doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum. Example from the Sandor P. Fuss collection.

24 May 2017

A beautiful amber Simon’s Centennial Bitters (figural bust of George Washington). Working on some image shadow clean-up. Very nice coloration. Thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison when he was in Houston a few weeks ago doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. Read: Simon’s Centennial Bitters and the 4th of July

23 May 2017

Working on some image shadow clean-up on this really nice figural Horse Shoe Bitters (Horse Shoe Medicine Co.) from Collinsville, Illinois. Ex: Grapentine. Very nice coloration. Photos by Alan DeMaison when he was in Houston a few weeks ago doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum. Read: The wonderful Horse Shoe Bitters from Collinsville, Illinois

22 May 2017

Working on some image shadow clean-up on this super-fine W & C NY Pineapple Bitters from the Sandor P. Fuss collection. Only example in this color that I am aware of. Photo (1 of 36 rotations) by Alan DeMaison when we were out in Denver a few weeks ago doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. Read: Pineapple Bitters – The Different Variants

17 May 2017

Just Luvs this extremely rare Dr. Calvary’s Ague Bitters from Ottawa, Illinois currently on eBay. Look at that small “s” they squeezed in for “Bitters”. Thanks to Bill Ham for the tip-off.

Help Please: I am trying to find a bottle for a person that says, “Catawba Wine” on it. Does not have to say Bitters. If you have one call or email Gary Beatty  941.276.1546 or tropicalbreezes@verizon.net.

05 May 2017

Received these Lash’s Bitters images (fully labeled and with original contents) from a fellow up north. Found them when cleaning out an estate. Was wondering about rarity and value. Said the Smithsonian’s Natural Museum of American History had an example on their web site. Anyway, I told him it was a very late 1920s bottle that was more interesting than valuable. He was going to have his lab analyze the contents. Usually alcohol 18% (drug active ingredients).

Read: Lash’s Bitters | San Francisco – Chicago – New York

04 May 2017

Ferd – I just had someone send me a bunch of bottles and in them were these master inks. I guess they spent a lot of time making their product as visually inviting as possible. The Carter’s cathedral shaped inks we all see and collect is a good indicator of that. Anyway, I thought I would send you a picture as it dawned on me that the idea of collecting labeled master inks isn’t the worst thing a person could go after.

Best Regards,
Jeff (Wichmann)

19 April 2017

Cool ad posted by Lou Holis for Peckham’s Calisaya Tonic Bitters (formally Pendleton’s Tonic). I don’t believe there is a surviving bottle out there?

17 April 2017

King B Bitters advertisement – August 1884

Looks to be reference to an unlisted “King B Bitters” put out by the Hall Brothers in San Francisco. Certainly am aware of those guys.

King B Bitters advertisement – San Francisco Chronicle, Thu, Nov 12 1885

King B Bitters advertisement – San Francisco Chronicle, Thursday, Nov 19 1885.jpg

16 April 2017

Brad Seigler submits this image for Dr. Russell’s Pepsin Calisaya Bitters. Read: Augauer Bitters and the Gauer Family – Chicago

15 April 2017

Someone got a great deal on this one. Went to your Yerba Buena Bitters – A San Francisco Strap Flask page on your site. The picture was not there representing an aqua one. This was on the American Bottle Auctions For Sale page last year. – Lou Holis

All: There is a super yellow/green tone example on eBay now. Superb Colored Western Bitters- Yerba Buena

14 April 2017

Love this framed advertising piece for Dr. Miller’s Celebrated Root Bitters. W. D. Miller, Saint Paul, Minn. Posted by Steve Ketcham.

13 April 2017

Today a very nice Dr. Gregory’s Scotch Bitters advertising trade card submitted by Joe Gourd. I was able to pick up an example bottle at the recent Baltimore Antique Bottle Show this past March.

Read: Gregory’s Scotch Bitters – Minneapolis

12 April 2017



I hope all is well with you.

Thought you might like to see the attached photos…dug this yesterday in Texas and have never seen this variation of the Home Bitters bottles (St. Louis, Missouri) before…dug plenty of (broken) examples of the amber squares but not this one. Haven’t washed it up yet. Not a very exciting bottle but pretty early…was digging a barrel privy (which was sadly empty) and this showed up in a small trash pit along one outside wall of the privy.

Best Regards,

Brandon DeWolfe, P.E.
Houston, Texas

Read More: The Home Bitters – St. Louis

Read More: An unlisted Home Bitters?

Read More: Home Bitters Company | Prepared Black Berry Brandy

Read More: Another Home Bitters Variant

11 April 2017


Here are some more bitters dug in the same privy in North Dakota as The Mikado
Tonic. The “DOCTOR GREGORY SCOTCH BITTERS ” is G 113 in Bitters Bottles by Ring & Ham and is extremely rare. The “BERLINER MAGEN BITTERS” is B 86
rated scarce from Duluth MN. The N.W. Med. Co. Bitters (NORTH WEST MEDICINE
CO.) is from St. Paul MN. Listed as N 1-L, extremely rare. It would seem
this home owner in South Dakota traveled to Minnesota. I wonder if the Dr. Gregory
Bitters is from Minnesota? Best Regards,

Gary (Beatty)

Read: Gregory’s Scotch Bitters – Minneapolis

10 April 2017


Can you use these photos for Daily Dose or FaceBook? “THE MICADO TONIC”
is embossed on back side “JAPANESE REMEDY” it is definitely an American
bottle. It Is olive yellow. The name MICADO in Japanese is “Emperor or
Honorable Gate.” It was dug in N. Dakota and I cleaned it. I think it is
like other bitters with exotic names trying to capture the thought something
better. The Millville fruit jar I found in a junk shop. The clamp & rubber
look original to me.

Best Regards, Gary (Beatty)

05 April 2017

Crazy Recent Digging Finds. Look for an article in an upcoming issue of Bottles and Extras:

Sorry it has been so long since I have written a bottle digging article. We have been digging almost every weekend.

We have a three person Tri-State digging crew, since we have one person from Ohio, one from West Virginia, and I’m here in Pennsylvania. We have been hitting it hard the last year or so, with many cool and historic finds… Recently, we have dug some pretty great bottles and thought it may make a nice additional to the New Finds column.

In about a 30-day period (31 to be exact), we dug a Rough and Ready Zachary Taylor Quart flask, then followed that up with a colored pint Louisville double eagle, then a couple weeks ago we dug a quart green scroll flask… all in excellent condition! I can’t believe that the quart flasks were not damaged, as all these flasks were at the bottom of 8 to 10 footers. 

Lots of bad holes in between and seems like most of the holes we dig (when there is a good bottle) only have one good bottle… but we will take it! Hard work and perseverance pays off for sure!

I’ve attached pictures of these finds… I’ll make sure to follow up soon with some bottle digging articles! 

Jeff Mihalik

04 April 2017

The May June 2017 issue of BOTTLES and EXTRAS is at the printer! Looks who has the feature article space “On the Cover of the Rolling Stone”!

Inside this issue.. Bottles and Extras, Vol. 28 No. 3 | May – June 2017 | No. 231 (Coming Soon!)

Features: Historical Look at Springfield Jim Bender 14 Maddox Park: Diggers’ Delight Down in Dixie Bill Baab 22 He dug in the park for 51 weekends Dave Swetmon 25 Jack Ryan, His Flask, and “The Wild Bunch” Jack Sullivan 29 Warner’s Safe Cure “No City” Michael Seeliger 34 Collecting Club Bottles: Glimpses into the Past of Our Great Hobby Bill Baab 38 My Visit to the Philadelphia Museum of Art to see its cross-swirled Pitkin Dana Charlton-Zarro 52

Vignettes: Shards of Wisdom 4 History’s Corner 5 Lost & Found 61 Member Photo Gallery 64

Departments: FOHBC Officer Listing 2014-2016 2 President’s Message 3 FOHBC News, From and For Our Members 6 Classified Ads & Ad Rate Info 66 Membership Directory 67 FOHBC Show-Biz, Show Calendar Listings 68 Membership Application 72

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